Fees and Payment Policy — Dr Jenny Cook

Fees& Payment Terms

An Explanation of Fees

The standard fees charged by our rooms are in line with the Australian Medical Association recommended fee schedule.. This means that in most instances there will be a ‘gap’ between our surgical fee and what is covered by Medicare and your health insurance fund.

If there is any problem with this it is important that you ask about this gap. Our staff are fully informed with charges and rebates and will be able to help you navigate through what can be a complex process. These fee explanations can cover:

  • Consulting Fee
  • Surgical Fee
  • Treatment Estimates


There may be other charges involved in your care depending on which course of action you choose. You need to also check with your health fund to see what is covered for additional areas of service. Potential areas of cover are:

  • Hospital
  • Surgical Assistants
  • Implants or Prosthesis
  • Anaesthetics
  • Tests (Radiology, Pathology)
  • Post-Operative Care


We offer informed financial consent to all our patients prior to surgery. This is a pre-treatment estimate of your surgical costs. This estimate enables you to discuss with your health insurance company what you are covered for a if benefits are applicable.

Private Patients


If you choose to be treated as a private patient, you will be treated at hospitals that our doctor is affiliated to or is a visiting medical specialist. After discharge, your care will be carried out in either an outpatient clinic or in my private rooms, or will be referred to your local general practitioner.


This practice caters for a range of Private patients, these include:

  • Private Health Insured
  • Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)
  • WorkCover


Private Health Insurance allows you and your family to access the right health services at the right time. You have control of your health care and can choose the provider, facility and timing of your treatment. With the security and protection of private health insurance, you have access to an extensive range of private hospitals and can rest assured that your health is in good hands.

Depending on your level of cover, some health funds also require you to pay an excess. We are not responsible for these costs but our staff will do their utmost to guide you to better understanding.

Our practice accepts most private health insurance programs. Our staff can also help with your claim for benefits, but we remind you that your specific policy is an agreement between you and your insurance company.

Please keep in mind that you are responsible for your total obligation should your insurance benefits result in less coverage than anticipated.

Your policy may base  its allowances on a fixed fee schedule, which may or may not coincide with the AMA fee schedule.

You should be aware that different insurance companies vary greatly  in the types of coverage available. Also, some companies take care of claims promptly while others delay payment for several months.


The Australian Government’s Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) provides support to current and former serving members and their families through a range of benefits (including ongoing or one off payments). for further understanding on how you can apply these benefits to our service and the scope of cover please refer to: http://www.dva.gov.au/benefits-and-payments


Patients may be able to choose private admission even if they do not have private health insurance. Self-funded patients will be liable to pay the following:

  • The gap between the Medicare benefit and any specialist’s charge
  • The gap for diagnostic services (medical imaging and laboratory), however some of these services may be bulk billed to Medicare, that is no ‘gap’
  • Hospital accommodation fees (bed charge)
  • Surgically implanted prostheses
  • Dental Services

Essentially this means you must meet all costs of the admission yourself except those covered by Medicare.

For further information about being a private patient, contact our rooms


Non Reciprocal Health Care Agreement - If you are an overseas patient from a country where there is no Reciprocal Health Care Agreement, you are not eligible for Medicare and you are responsible for payment of all fees and services. Non-Medicare patients are billed for inpatient and outpatient services regardless if they choose public or private admission.

Reciprocal Health Care Agreement - If you are a visitor from a country where Australia does have a Reciprocal Health Care Agreement (RHCA), you may be eligible for treatment that is deemed immediately necessary for any health problem or injury whilst in Australia. RHCA does not cover pre-arranged or elective treatment. Overseas patients who are covered by the RHCA will not be covered if they choose private admission.

Please contact us for more information.

Private vs Public Fees

You may choose to be a public or a private patient. This page provides patients with the different options are for surgery in the private or public hospital system.



Our reception staff will be happy to advise you of the consultation fee upon booking an appointment over the telephone. Fees for consultation along with other necessary forms will also be emailed to you for your convenience upon booking an appointment.

  • Surgical fees are billed directly to the Health Insurance Providers.
  • Where out-of pocket co-payment are required which can vary depending on the type and complexity of surgery or procedure. Patients will be advised, in writing, after the consultation, the amount of gap payment.
  • Fees for uninsured patients are advised by the accounts manager upon request.
  • Payment on the day of consultation is much appreciated.


For your convenience we accept a number of payment methods in the rooms, by post and online:

  • Credit Card: VISA, Mastercard, Amex (logos),
  • Cheque,
  • Cash
  • Electronic - EFTPOS, Pay Online (BPay)



Patients may apply to Centrelink for an early release of superannuation funds to cover part or all of the costs involved. More details can be found on the Centrelink website.

If you chose to apply for this, three documents need to be lodged:

  • Completed application form - click here to download
  • A letter of support from your General Practitioner
  • A letter of support from our clinic (we will provide this after your initial consultation)

Please note that processing time by Centrelink generally takes around 3 weeks, and allow a further 4-6 weeks for your superannuation fund to release the funds to your personal bank account.


A significant rebate can be claimed through your end of year tax return if you incur medical expenses over $2,000 during the one financial year. Anyone can claim the tax offset: there is no upper limit on the amount you can claim, however it is now income tested. The rebate is currently 20 cents for every dollar over the $2000 threshold.

There is no upper limit on the amount you can claim, and it is not means or assets tested. Because this is a rebate rather than a tax deduction, you can claim this from the ATO even if you do not pay tax. As always, also check with your accountant or financial advisor.

Because this is a rebate rather than a tax deduction, you can claim this even if you do not pay tax. It is claimed at question T9 on your tax return. As always, be sure to check with your accountant or financial advisor. Further details can be found by clicking here.