Laparoscopy - Endometriosis
A 33 year old woman presented with infertility.
Women's Health Blog
A 46 year old woman presented with heavy menstrual bleeding and painful periods.
A 47 year old woman presented with sharp shooting pelvic pain. The pain was predominantly left sided.
A 39 year old woman presented for a second opinion. She was experiencing torrential and irregular bleeding. She also complained of left pelvic pain.
A 49 year old woman presented with increasing heavy menstrual bleeding and associated pain.
A 68 year old woman presented with complete procidentia (a very large prolapse of uterus and bladder).
A 32 year old woman presented with infertility. She experienced dysmenorrhoea.
A 21 year old woman presented with severe lower pelvic pains. There was no cyclical pattern to the pain.
A 49 year old woman presented with one episode of severe right sided pelvic pain.